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CLM 4.0.6 database creation fails due to error querying tablespace size

I have just installed CLM 4.0.6 on DB2 Express-C 10.1 and Windows and database creation fails when running the setup wizard:
The database creation failed with an exception
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ0258E Error querying tablespace size.
etc etc
I can provide the jts.log file for more detail. I don't have this problem with DB2 9.7.
Any suggestions before I call support?
2 answers

Typically the error could be related to DB user's permissions. See the discussions in the below post:
Hopefully this helps.

Hi Don. I reviewed this before posting. I tried one of the suggestions which was to install db2 as db2admin but it didn't make any difference.
WRT "permissions are missing to use the data base that is located at the indicated path", I'm not sure how to find that in a Windows installation or how to apply the fix in a Windows installation.
BTW, I'm having exactly the same problem in both Windows and Linux installs of CLM 4.0.6 and DB2 Express-C 10.1.
Regards, Dave.

Do you mean you also see the same error in the log file? can you please post more info here from the log?
if the user is db2admin, is it also in Windows local admin group?

Hi Don. I'm seeing the same error in both the Linux and Windows jts.log files:
2014-05-07 20:06:54,993 [jts: Database creation] ERROR y.service.internal.DatabaseCreationProgressService - The database creation failed with an exception
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ0258E Error querying tablespace size.
at com.ibm.team.repository.jdbcdriver.internal.db2.Db2Provider.shouldCreateNewTablespace(Db2Provider.java:502)
etc ad nauseum
I'd send you the log but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that here.
On Windows, the user is db2admin and that user is a member of Administrators.
I've tried db2 9.7 on my Windows VM and that works fine so it's something about Express-C 10.1.

It does look like something is related to Express-C 10.1. I am not sure if there is any elevated permissions in this specific DB2 version required. Will it make any difference if you create database from command line instead of setup wizard?
Otherwise, you can ask DB2 support for more ideas by a PMR.
Karl Weinert
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 07 '14, 7:45 a.m.Do you know what directory the database files are getting created in?
David Hanslip
May 07 '14, 8:15 a.m.Thanks for the suggestion.
On my Windows VM the database files are in C:\DB2. "Everyone" appears to have full control. I've also given the Administrators group full control but it hasn't made any difference.
I'm also having the same problem on my Linux VM.
Jon Gregory
Jun 11 '14, 10:26 a.m.Has this been fixed? I can only seem to download v10. Every link for 9.7 I goto takes me back to V10 Express-C.